Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Children 8 and Under are FREE!

I just wanted to update and tell everyone that after much thought and considerations........
children under 8 are FREE!

We really want to keep the cost down so everyone can make the trip out to Utah! We are looking forward to seeing everyone in JULY!

Uncle Tom also has some great brochures on Brian Head and activities going on up in that area. Please email him and he can send you out a brochure. I am still looking for someone to help plan a few activities for that weekend so.......Please let me know if you think of anything even a simple game.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blackburn Reunion Family Registration

Hello Again!

This is EFY (Especially For You) Reunion Posting ........ I am posting today about the registration due by March 15. (Please just email for the Head count, money is due by April 15. For Late Registration's contact angeliquemblackburn@cox.net

Blackburn Reunion Family Registration

The cost is $10.00 per person! Uncle Tom really wants to keep the cost down BUT we are planning some good eats so thank you for helping us with the cost. You can fill out a registration form then mail it and a check or money order to

Angelique Blackburn angeliquemblackburn@cox.net

2470 Aladdin Lamp St

Henderson NV 89002

This includes your meals prepared at the cabin for
Friday night's dinner, Saturday's breakfast, lunch and dinner and Sunday's Breakfast.
Lodging and T-Shirts are up to the individual families....(camping in tents at the cabin is FREE)

Here is a website that has cheap T-shirt if someone wants to make a logo and design for us that would be great. Each family can have a different color and can purchase them if they would like to. (no pressure to buy)


or Custom shirts for $1.75 each http://t-shirts-custom.com/specials.shtml

If you know another place to order please share it with all of us.

Thank you for all your support!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reunion Committee Help!

We really need volunteers to help in a number of areas of responsibility. We have a few volunteers for some of the committees but we NEED YOUR HELP with planning. You can help on a committee or chair for that committee. It will be worth your time to help so we can all have a great time.

These are just simple suggestions for committees. We may even want to combine the responsibilities of several of these committees into a single one, if the job isn’t too hard. Please let me know if you have more ideas! Lois

Finance Committee – Angelique Blackburn angeliquemblackburn@cox.net
The finance subcommittee handles the money and bookkeeping (wow, three double letters in a row!). They will keep track of the money that has been or will be spent. They also keeps track of which families have paid.

Food Committee – Ellen (Blackburn) Briggs ellenbriggs4@msn.com
This committee makes the decisions in those all-important food-related debates. This includes, but is definitely not limited to, how to feed the guests. They are also responsible for making sure there are enough plates, silverware, napkins, and drinking straws, even if it is the simple task of informing the family members to bring their own.

Activities Committee - ?
The Activities subcommittee decides what everyone else is supposed to do at the reunion. This includes activities games, a program (where the kids stand up and make a valiant attempt to sing), or a church service. They are in charge of planning the activities, making sure all the equipment is there and in a functioning and unbroken state, and printing up the certificates and awards for the various winners of various awards. They are also in charge of finding volunteers (or forcing volunteers) to run the games and activities if they can’t (or don't want to) do it themselves. If you want a job done right (but you’re too lazy to do it yourself), you’ll just have to settle for imperfections. Nobody’s perfect.

Communications Committee – Lois Blackburn lblackburn@excelfilms.com
This committee is responsible for managing the address list and mailing all the various invitations and follow-up reminders. Start a blog page! I could use creative feed back!

Family History Committee - ?
The Family History committee is responsible for collecting family memorabilia for display at the reunion. This committee can create a large wall chart with family members’ names to hang on the wall for guests to see how they are related to each other.

Photography Committee - ?
The Photography committee is responsible for making sure the reunion is fully documented photographically. They should make sure there is a photographer attending, (this is a family member who is semi-talented with a camera or a professional who actually knows what he’s doing). Once the photos are downloaded, the committee is responsible for noting which family members are in each picture. (Good luck with that) After the reunion, the photography committee should make sure they are on a website so everyone can view, print and/or download the pictures.

Accommodations Committee – Liz Gudmundson sisg_2000@yahoo.com

The Accommodations committee is responsible for finding out were accommodations are for visiting guests, such as hotels, motels, nearby Dumpsters, et cetera. Okay, never mind the Dumpsters.

Welcoming Committee – Tom and Diane Blackburn grandpashouse@hotmail.com
The Welcoming committee is responsible for welcoming the guests to the reunion. They are the ones who print all those nametags nobody will wear, and who meet the guests at the front door. They should perform any of the planned welcoming traditions (such as a lei at a Hawaiian-themed reunion, a noisemaker at a birthday party-themed reunion, a prick in the bottom with a cactus at a Western-themed reunion, et cetera).